Monday, November 1, 2010

First night Fraternity (!!!)

Well I am gonna stop beating myself up about not writing here as often as I would like and actually just write... and do as best as I can. right...... RIGHT!

Spent the weekend fighting off girls, mosquito's, Christmas beetles and HANGOVERS. Managed to escape the weekend with..... um, well, NONE of the above avoided.  sooooooo, ya, the questions begin.....

First of all, I went away with my recently reinvented wonderful boyfriend! we took a drive down to the South Coast (The Pee Hole of South Africa) with another couple... The Jeddisons.... and a Tri-Stand.
BRILLIANT time was had barring a few MINOR FUCK UPS. But I had my faithfuls with me on the road trip.... so I was happy.

Wasabi and Fishpaste were there, with Fizz POPS in their hair, and my weekend will be awesome... Well thats what I was humming, in my head, all the way... you know, to be considerate to my fellow passangers etc. Imagine me foreal forealzies humming it ALL the way down.... I think I would stab myself.... in the elbows. Fact.

We arrived early evening, freshened up a bit and headed out to the ONLY place open called Broomers. luckily we booked, because as we arrived.... the parking lot was looking rather full and the general area pumping....


I am LYING. There were a whole other ELDERLY couple tearing the place up when we arrived.
Body shots and all......   FINE, that was a lie too. the body shots part, but there was really another couple there... I swear. we tried very hard not to interferer with their 77th wedding anniversary but the copious  amounts of red wine of the "Chocolate Block" variety and the tequila, jager combo.

WHOO HOO, fun times... lets just say we ended up back at the house doing shots of red wine and playing drinking/strip darts.... I am burning my camera tomorrow.
now you can just imagine! wow the things ppl draw when they are TANKED! ha ha

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